Maple User Group Answers
A nice 1700+ items searchable database of contributions to the Maple User Group (MUG) collected by Prof Dr Ulrich Klein
About 300 bugs can be found instantly
The Search facility is here, look for terms like bug, weakness etc
A new searchable forum for Maple users community
You can find here some really bad Maple 10 bugs
The Search facility is here
Currently, the most active group for discussing any kinds of problem in Maple.
Give and receive help for the mathematical software Maple. Questions at all levels are welcome.
Discussing bugs in Maple 10 and Maple 9, suggestions for improvement, and differences with earlier versions of Maple. This group is NOT for general questions about Maple.
The Maple User Group (MUG) was an electronic mailing list designed to give
Maple users an opportunity to discuss applications, problems and issues with
other users.Monthly digests from January 1998 through February 2003 are available
as text files from
Discussing bugs in Maple 8, suggestions for improvement, and differences with earlier versions of Maple. This group is NOT for general questions about Maple.
The Maple Advisor Database is a project of the Symbolic Computation Group of the University of British Columbia, under the direction of Robert Israel.
Maple Bug Lists - Some bugs or ``undocumented features'' of Maple V contributed by users at Mathematics Department of North Carolina State University
A Russian-speaking portal for scientific-oriented higher educators, scientists,
R&D and engineering personnel and students running within the framework
of computer algebra system philosophy. The portal offers numerous tutorials
in higher mathematics focused on CAS-supported teaching methodology, free add-on
packages, students' works, reference data for math applications like Mathcad,
Matlab, Maple, Mathematica, Statistica packages, and more. Consulting services,
know-how activity as well as application dedicated forums are available.
Use this service to keep track with newsgroups without the need of a special software or server. by Olaf Naumann
In particualar, you may wish to find there
Symbolic algebra discussion.
Maple computer mathematics discussion group.
This daily updating page including 4189 [ <- show here our internal counter's value ] entries contains the comprehensive list of the links to the Maple bugs and bottlenecks over the Internet
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