Do you have serious maybe dispendious projects involving symbolic computations? Do you want to stake very high in modelling, R&D, teaching, self-education? Do you think your plans will depend on Maple 12? How to bypass a Maple bug? What about Maple 11 bugs? Upgrade from Maple 11 or not upgrade? How does Maplesoft bug-fix rate curve look? Could one tell anything reasonable on the expected total bug number in Maple 13? What other kinds of prediction one can make about Maple? Can you test Maple efficiently? If not, why? If yes, how?
Having at your fingertips ALL known Maple bugs in ALL Maple commercial versions ever available publicly accompanied by workarounds when possible could help you to make the best decisions.
Identified by an early prototype of our GEMM automated learning testing machine running around the clock, the exact data about many thousands distinct Maple bugs can help you in your business: knowledge is power.
Please realize perfectly that right away by no means the Site shows the power of our approach in an adequate degree as we need certain time to deploy our machinery and go into full production.
This moment, a VTOL to the Wright Bros. plane, a SQUID to a household tester, the GEMM's true potential to the Site.
Yet, even at that, the Cyber Tester Ltd. believes that the Site would be of help to
A VERY detailed searchable map of the Maple's bugs and bottlenecks would help the customers to learn more about the current problems in Maple and estimate the computational prospects of the System.
A VERY detailed searchable map of the Maple's bugs and bottlenecks would help the developers to focus their efforts on the actual programming while spending less time for the QA/QC matters.
Our sparkle of hope, a VERY detailed searchable map of the Maple's bugs and bottlenecks could - who knows? - suggest the CAS architects fresh ideas, it is all on the knees of the gods.
Thank you for your patience.
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